
School-Wide Cultural Development Ecosystem Workshops

Lesson One has presented workshops and seminars in over 30 states throughout North America, including those in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Georgia, Virginia, Louisiana, Washington, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Jersey, Florida, California, Massachusetts and Canada. The workshops have consistently received near perfect evaluations from participants regarding content and presentation. Lesson One workshops help staff successfully implement the Cultural Development Ecosystem throughout the entire school.

The workshop begins with a focus on The Art of Teaching, which places an emphasis on the integration of knowledge, technique, effective communication, discipline, and creativity. The participatory workshop then examines each skill within the ecosystem and provides teachers, administrators, and other school staff with ways to implement the skills through tangible activities and discussions. Throughout the presentation, strategies are presented to integrate the ecosystem with school initiatives such as PBIS, Restorative Justice, common core, STEAM, and RtI and will give tangible ways to involve parents in the process for consistency between home and school.

Written materials, posters and replication kits are included to help ensure replication. Lesson One will work closely with your school to individualize a workshop based on its needs and within the school’s allowable schedule for professional development.

Tailor Made Consultation Workshops

Lesson One has experience consulting on a wide variety of topics including children’s television, curriculum development, parenting, higher education, and training for experienced or new teachers. Please contact Lesson One about a workshop for your site.

Corporate Training

Lesson One is now offering Corporate Training to assist businesses in reaching company goals and providing a culture that increases productivity through team building and problem solving. The workshop is designed to improve workplace climate, staff turnover, and motivation. A major focus is teaching how to apply life skills, among them two-way communication, resiliency, self-control, and cooperation to all aspects of the workplace. The entertaining, hands-on, multimedia approach ensures that all staff participate and have fun, while in the process, learn important skills that not only help them be successful on the job, but in life as well.

Please contact us so we can customize a culture-change workshop to fit the needs of your organization.